What can possibly be awkward about silence?
It isn’t the silence that is awkward, it’s your thoughts, that you notice in silence, that are awkward. It is the mental process of figuring out how to stop the nagging voice in your head asking what is it that you need to say to fill the void, to impress, to impart information, to collude, or to invite so-called friendship.
Question 1: “If you get a 'bad' feeling about an interaction with someone, how can you tell if this bad feeling is just from the past coloring your perception of the present or a real intuitive warning that this person is not trustworthy and out to harm you?”
This is not a simple question or one that can be answered quickly. Remember Step 2? Step 2 says, unequivocally: It is about me. Any and all feelings are chosen by me and 'by me' I mean the 'self' I made up, a belief in other words. So the bad feeling may be chosen by a belief that I deserve to be punished for example and I see the 'punisher' in this person. Or it could mean that have done what I suspect this person By Anne Andrew (excerpted from her upcoming book What They Don’t Teach in Prenatal Class: The Key to Raising Trouble-Free Kids and Teenswww.anneandrew.com/book.html.)
One of the biggest causes of upsets for parents currently seems to be the battle over screen time. Studies show that too much screen time is not good for children, and screens need to be off for an hour or two before bedtime or sleep can suffer. Social media is adding stress to teens because of the need to be camera ready at all times and the huge potential for abuse. Policing screen time is an unwelcome but necessary chore for parents these days. Welcome to the Bonus Post in the series on Building a New Relationship with Food. (You can find Part 1 HERE, Part 2 HERE, and Part 3 HERE)
The Choose Again Six Step Process is an effective tool to help heal your relationship with food and the body. It is really just another aspect of your relationship with Self that you are healing. A relationship with food and the body that is a source of struggle comes from mistaken beliefs you've made up about yourself and corresponding ways of acting out those beliefs to get more evidence for them. Let's take a closer look...... You start by going to: Welcome to Part 3 of the series on Building a New Relationship with Food. (You can find Part 1 HERE and Part 2 HERE)
As part of the process of reclaiming your freedom around food, let’s look at one of the key principles: Step aside from the diet mentality. Everyone has intuitive guidance in all aspects of their life all the time. There is nothing special about having it around food….it is just part of how we’re set up. In order to be in touch with your internal guidance around food you need to make yourself available to it. This means stepping away from externally dictated, conflicting, fear-inducing rules that live in your mind and manage your relationship with food. Here are 4 way that you can start to do that: Welcome to part 2 of Dawn Green's 3-part series on "Building a New Relationship with Food. If you missed part 1, you can find it here!
There are few things more all-consuming than obsessive thinking about food, health and the weight and appearance of the body. With both women and men this pre-occupation often over-shadows all other goals, enjoyments and experiences in life. The focus on food and the body fills the same need that alcohol, drugs, gambling and compulsive shopping, to name a few, do: It is a strategy to shut down the inner experience of emptiness, aloneness, disconnection and lack. All of these activities create in initial feeling of excitement and satisfaction, but it’s short-lived. You can’t get enough of what you don’t really want, so you keep repeating the same behaviour, in progressively more extreme ways, hoping for a different result. This preoccupation with finding an exterior solution to an internal problem blocks access to the real solution. To get to the root of the problem, it is necessary to address your relationship with your inner Self. "Compulsive eating was a way to distance myself from the way things were when they weren't how I wanted them to be. I didn't want to sit in the centre of my own life. To ask myself what was actually going on when I wanted to eat even when I wasn't hungry. Crazed with self-loathing and shame I vacillated between wanting to destroy myself and wanting to fix myself with the next best promise of losing thirty pounds in thirty days." - Geneen Roth
If you have issues around food and eating, the above may be resonate with you. You may even feel that compulsive eating is taking up all the space at the centre of your life, and that you are relegated to the outskirts! How would it feel to know that you can move from “I don't want to sit in the centre of my life and into: I AM the centre of my own life” - right where you’ve always longed to be? To live in certainty of your strength - joyful and at peace? Nested right in the centre of your own heart, where you’ve always longed to be. What if we really could raise children to be bully-proof – neither bullies nor victims? It must be worth a try.
What if we’ve got the bully / victim story completely wrong? This blog presents a radically different solution. In this blog, I’ll explain the root causes of bullying and why punishing the bully and commiserating with the victims actually makes matters worse. I’ll show what both bullies and victims gain from their experience, and suggests five strategies for parents and teachers that will help raise children who are less likely to be bullies and unlikely to be picked on as victims. “Mommy, I’m Bored!” Now that it is mid-summer and the children are not in school, there’s a good chance you’ll have heard the words: “I’m bored!”. There’s a likelihood that it’ll trigger you in some way and cause an irritation or worse. Perhaps you’ll feel guilty “Oh no, I’m not a good parent –otherwise my child wouldn’t be bored –I haven’t provided enough activities or encouraged sufficient independence for them to find something to do on their own!”
Job #1 then, is to process your own upset over the statement. Remember it’s about.... In the previous posts, I have established that we all grow up with barriers to love that can be removed when we tackle our negative beliefs. In this week’s post, I’ll explain give some strategies for helping your children to own their Inherent Worth so that they can receive the love that you offer.
A child who has a strong belief that he is not good enough, bad, unworthy or any other belief, will find it impossible to let love in. That child will think, consciously or unconsciously “If only you knew how bad, unworthy, unlovable (fill in the blanks) I am, you would not choose to love me. You have to say you love me because you are my parent, but I can’t believe it.” This is the subconscious thinking of any child who has a strong negative belief about themselves. We may not be able to tell what that belief is, so the antidote to all negative beliefs is to own our Inherent Worth. We cannot be Inherently Worthy and unlovable or worthless at the same time. Therefore, it is imperative that parents spend some time helping their children to tune into their Inherent Worth. |
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