Instruction (Diederik & Claudette) = A+ Hospitality (Bob & Sandy) = A+ Accommodations = A+ Community Friendliness (13 group members) = A+ “Like Jacob wrestling with the Angel, I have regularly been exasperated and challenged with integrating ACIM into my personal and professional life. At the Choose-again residential in Gainesville, Florida, in the safety, support, and guidance of Diederick, Claudette and other group participants, I was gifted with an immense treasure — "I am not my stories (beliefs), I am love and only love." Being a witness to other participants being guided to challenge the beliefs that limited their happiness, allowed me to challenge my earliest judgmental stories (beliefs) of myself and return to recognizing my true identity as Love.
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I was talking with a friend on the phone recently, and the topic of computers came up. She had mentioned how she was going through a period where there seemed to be always something wrong with it, and was surprised over how much emotion was arising as a result--with anger being the predominant expression. This frustration inspired many a nick-name for the electronic box, none of which would be considered flattering. After some laughs, she then asked me directly, “Why do we do this?” [referring to the personification and projection of anger towards objects], and “Where does it come from?” And it got me thinking...of all the times I have cursed my malfunctioning electronics, forswearing buyers-allegiance to their line of product in favour of their competitive "The willingness to trust and follow your heart - not the reactive ego that is often interpreted to be the heart, but the heart that longs to know God - this is a tell-tale sign of whether or not one is reaching maturity". (from The Way of Mastery) This quote reminds me of the importance of distinguishing between the guidance of the ego and the guidance of Inner Wisdom. A few years ago it became popular to speak of being "guided" to certain decisions or actions. As I listened to my own mind, and the minds of others, it began to seem as if there was often a hefty dose of self-delusion involved. I saw how easy it was to simply follow the dictates and compulsions of the ego, and to believe that I was following the guidance of the Holy Spirit. This is an aspect of the spiritualized ego. Conversely, sometimes people have told me they asked for guidance and received it, but Dear Friends, We are seeing so many changes at so many levels and my own healing has continued or, perhaps, accelerated. I had the great pleasure and privilege to teach a one-day workshop and give a talk with Dr. Gabor Mate in Vancouver. He is an internationally recognized pioneer and expert on addictions and being on ‘stage’ with him was, well, a blast. The event was also evidence for the fact that while at one time we, Choose Again, were |
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