Freedom from Trauma
Heal Your Mind, Transform Your Life
Healing Intimate & Family Relationships
I chose to gift myself a retreat to El Cielo. It was the best birthday present I have ever received or given. I didn't know much about this magical place in Costa Rica or the Choose Again Six Step Process. I was hesitant. Now, after being through the program and coming back to my world and seeing first hand how peace and happiness is attainable, I encourage all other folks reading this review to "Go for it." Pack your bags and transform your life. This really works. Everyone in my group had a life changing experience. You will re-connect and discover through the help of the fantastic staff that all along the key to happiness and peace exists right in you. They will help you navigate how to access that truth. I am forever grateful to myself for choosing to go to Costa Rica, the amazing Team at Choose Again and the people who shared in my journey.
- Debbi Levins, NY,
2023 Retreat Participant
As a busy working mom, I felt that I was ‘destined’ to be stuck in the rat race of life, putting everyone else first and never having time for me. Because of this belief I was unhappy and constantly looking to find love and relief in all the wrong places. Making the decision to come to El Cielo, to put myself first was the greatest gift I gave myself (and my family). First, the program is designed to nourish your body and mind. The food is fantastic and the beauty of the silent walks took my breath away. Knowing and believing now that I am joy and peace at my core and that it is only my choice to be anything but that, has given me the trust in myself to go forwards with love.
~M.Y. 38, Corporate Secretary, Canada, January 2024 retreat participant
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I have been in 12-step recovery for addiction for over 20 years. Although I have stayed sober I have continued to struggle with depression. I have read dozens of books and studied several spiritual practices, but none of them presented me with what Choose Again did. If true happiness has eluded you and you believe no human power can [help]. There is a solution here.
- D.F., Real Estate Developer, Colorado, Healing Trauma Retreat, January 2024
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