“Resolving your own personal conflicts is the first step to ending global conflict.” - Joseph Eliezer I appreciate this thought, and would expand it to say that: Healing the addiction to conflict that lives in my mind is the only thing that will heal the conflict, that seems to be going on, out in the world. I’ve thought about this often in the last few years. Two things that have brought it into focus for me are recent school shootings and the rise of Donald Trump’s popularity as a political candidate in the United States. When I first started hearing about school shootings, they were far from home. I recognized
Dear Friends, Remember, bliss is my birthright and whether I claim it now or not matters not one iota, but since it feels so much better... why would I not choose that now? The last weekend I had the great privilege of spending a very intensive time with the Beyond Addiction Team at a Vancouver workshop. The Six Step Process was introduced and practised by all with the result we at Choose Again are so familiar with: “Wow, this is so simple!” and “I can’t believe how much I shifted in just a matter of minutes!” Sat Dharam is a stern task master and she asked me to have a sign- up sheet for one-on-one sessions, fifteen minutes each, I agreed. Well, that meant that I ended up doing twenty two sessions in two days, certainly a new record for me and one that left me stumbling over my eye-lids by the end of Sunday. Hate the Players or Love the Game? A Critique on Critics and our Search for Identity - By Dave Vass4/14/2016 A nickel for your thoughts... I was listening to a local radio station recently when a DJ brought up the hot topic of the day: there had been a study done in Finland by a woman named Salli Antonnen, focusing on why people hated Nickelback so much. Apparently the author of the study wanted to figure out the root cause of the mass popularity of this peanut-gallery phenomenon by researching over 14 years of music reviews, given worldwide, over the course of the band’s career. The conclusions to the author’s study was that: “Nickelback is too much of everything to be enough of something. They follow genre expectations too well, which is seen as empty imitation, but also not well enough, which is |
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