![]() Dear Friends, This week marks the tenth anniversary of Choose Again in Costa Rica. Ten years! It is quite incredible to me that the idea of a spiritual residential center in a strange tropical country, underfinanced and without marketing of any kind would take form and not only that, that form is growing in scope and breadth. The original funding for this idea came from Veronica Dahl, Christine Walters, Greg Lynch and Eric and Anne Andrew. Why they jumped in and said YES with such conviction and love, I will never really understand but gratitude has been my state of mind on many a day when I look at what we have collectively achieved. With Christie Dakin and Elaine Clark in Vancouver and Dawn Green and Saskia Wolsak joining me and a ragtag bunch of fun loving volunteers in Costa Rica we got it off the ground. Shortly after opening we were joined by Claudette Thomas who brought so many gifts to Choose Again. Over the years amazingly talented and devoted people have joined us for various lengths of time. Sarah Kopinya, Amy Rice, Dave Vass, Paul Pantaleyev, Fred Wilberts, Andrew Burt, Nettie Admas, Helena Premarani and most recently, Andrea Stihl have lovingly demonstrated over and over again that giving and receiving are the same, that my healing is your healing, that everyone who comes to see us brings us a wealth of opportunities to heal old beliefs and free us both. This could never have been achieved without the support of a wide range of volunteers, too numerous to mention, but our gratitude includes them, of course! A Video Trip Down Memory Lane... I am so grateful for this journey, so grateful for my traveling companions, so grateful for the teaching which is the powerfully loving glue holding this adventure in healing together. Without this unified teaching we would never have made it this far.
Over the years we have received incredibly generous support from over seventy individuals. Without their contributions we would not have been able to allow so many to come to us who were not in a financial position to do so on their own. We have helped hundreds of people to be free of medication, to be free of crippling old beliefs, to be free of old demons and to open their hearts to say YES to Life thanks in part to their astonishing support! THANK YOU! And now we enter a new phase. This phase will see us grow internationally with our new center in France lovingly provided by Christine Riedtmann and Martin Engi, two of the most kind hearted and generous individuals I have had the great privilege of knowing. We will expand our work and we are designing a new, more efficient form for the delivery of our teaching. We have engaged a startlingly innovative marketing firm to guide us through the shoals of change. This firm (not to be named as yet as we are in the final stages of defining our relationship) believes so strongly in Choose Again that they are willing to take a stake in our ‘company’ in lieu of considerable sums of money. My life and that of so many others have taken a turn which I could not in my wildest imagination have predicted. From a life driven by deep self hatred to now being allowed to learn and teach how to remove barriers to life and Love is a gift I never saw under my tree, but there it was when I learned to See. Although I am now well past my ‘expiry date’ I feel that another ten years will sculpt Choose Again into a formidable and unshakable force for good on this fragile planet. I plan to stick around to see that happen (either from the ground or a loftier perch…). Thank You! Love, Diederik
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