"The impact of Choose Again has been huge in my life. I have been involved with Choose Again for ten years, and can honestly say life is getting better for me all the time!" - DH
"Choose Again has been a great benefit for our family. Diederik Wolsak’s patient and steady counsel through quotes like “be gentle with yourself” have provided me with a guide on my journey to ‘get over myself’. Association with Choose Again and its counsellors have helped me in my personal life and my job." - D H
"Even though it was a few years ago, I continue to benefit from the experience of the one day workshop that I did with Choose Again. The morning session prepared a direction and created a feeling of safety for me so that I was able to participate fully in the afternoon breathing exercise. It was a unique and transforming experience, I loved it. Thank you for your lovely work Choose Again." - S Sterling
"Today all is for me. For my healing, learning or growing. Today, I am responsible. Today I am happy. Today I am free. Today I know peace. Today I am alive. My gratitude knows no bounds." - R. A.
"Beliefs may seem incredibly creative in their expression, but it is reassuring to know that always the same one or two beliefs are at play when I get out of my inner balance – and there ‘s nothing bad happening, it’s just old beliefs at play. It’s my decision whether I continue to believe in them or not."
"A Choose Again workshop in summer 2015 in Berlin introduced me to the Six Steps, and I learned that I have to take full responsibility for my thinking. This is harder than it sounds – my inner resistance was large."
"The Choose Again approach is lovingly, gently, radically different. They teach that all situations are for my learning and healing, and that what I need to change is my negative beliefs about myself. My self-hatred fueled my needle use –my self-love fuels my recovery."
– Dan P. "The love, peace, and happiness that I have experienced in the few weeks since I have made contact with the people at Choose Again is a priceless gift. The weekend was among the most positive, life-changing experiences of my life. I am profoundly grateful to the program participants, Diederik, and his staff for their courage and their love." - GS
"I gained tremendous psychological and emotional benefits from my stay in Costa Rica. I have now been free, for two months, of depression medication I was on for twelve years, and have used concepts acquired at the Centre in dealing with those down times, to great effect." - MS
"The Centre in Costa Rica is located in a very lush tropical and incredibly beautiful area. The staff were very professional, accessible and caring. The accomodation is simple but clean and comfortable. The food was very good, healthy and made from scratch, a lot of vegetarian meals. There are ongoing activities which keep you busy which is great. I enjoyed our Tuesday outings to the hot springs and kayaking. The daily walks/hikes were fantastic. I felt fantastic when I was at the centre!" - K
"The immersion in the process, the lack of distraction from TV etc enabled me to cleanse my mind too. I had no idea what to expect when I went to visit, but, like some of the other clients there, I had not expected the calm, the sense of inner quiet that I left with and still feel a week later. Nor had I expected the clarity of thought and seeing that I experienced in the Circle." - Dr. Norma Clark
"The philosophy behind Choose Again is a positive one, and perhaps most importantly a healing one." Doug Chalke
"In a very short time I was able to understand where my problems were coming from, take responsibility for my experience in life and change my way of thinking. The results for me were extraordinary. I became happier than I ever imagined I could be." - EA
"Choose-Again’s approach was incredibly different than any other Centre. In Costa Rica they focused on my BELIEFS about myself. Rather than trying to change my behavior, they worked on having me realize my fundamental self." - Dan P
"I am happier now than I can ever remember being, and I feel a sense of peace that comes from a very deep sense of knowing the truth about myself that is unchangeable no matter what is going on around me." - MC
"This is a beginning of what I know will be a transformation in my life. I am so thankful that there is a circle I can take part in to keep myself focused on examining the beliefs I hold about myself that limit me and are just not true. I know I am a work in progress but I’m excited for the first time in a long time!" - Helen S
"I am grateful for the opportunity to have experienced the healing, compassionate environment of Choose Again. Diederik is a very gifted therapist who is greatly assisted by his compassionate, insightful team."
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We try to get as much feedback as we can so we know we are doing our best for you. Here are some of the great things people had to say about our workshops and intensive retreats. Archives
September 2024