Danny Siegel, who passed away on December 29, 2024, was the co-owner with his wife, Suzy Brown, of Villa Decary hotel in Nuevo Arenal.
Danny was known for his humor, kindness and gentle nature, and his family wanted to celebrate him by opening a fund at Choose Again for others to donate in his memory.
Choose Again Society is a Registered Charitable Organization supported by donations, all of which are tax deductible within Canada. (Charitable Organisation #867922726 RR0001).
At Choose Again we teach a proven way to heal - really heal - the crippling effects of early childhood trauma, including: anxiety, depression, dysfunctional relationships, stress, chronic dissatisfaction with one's life, and other forms of persistent psychological suffering We welcome donations by credit card, direct debit, PayPal or cheque. All amounts listed are in Canadian dollars.